Kickstarting Faithball Crowdfunding to Bring Aria Pictures' Full-Length Movie to Life.webp Paintball players stands strong and ready to fight with Jesus and God on his side. Paint the movie.

Faithball - A Faith-based Action Thriller

A REAL Independant Film
from passionate producers, artists, and actors.


After Gerald Martin Davenport, Brendan Brookes, and Mark Hoffman met in 2010 and made their first film together, their passion, drive, and excitement for telling positive, uplifting, and unique stories ignited. Since then, they have worked with many talented and hard-working actors and crew, independently and together, on many film projects.

Grateful, honored, and humble with their achievements, experiences, and relationships with the people on each project, they were not content or complacent. Constantly challenging themselves to get better and try something new, they reached the point that the next step to grow was to make a longer, more complex movie that included paying everyone, securing proper locations and props, and scheduling more than just two consecutive days each week to capture the action. But to do so required having a substantial budget, a thing that evaded them no matter how hard they tried.

Taking Control of Their Journey

During a conversation between Brendan and Gerald, the question of whether they should make a movie in 2025 arose. Both agree they should, no matter the length of the project, but what would that project be? When Brendan blurted out Faithball, Gerald had reservations about it due to its complexity. Following a chat with Mark, Gerald pitched the idea to Brendan and Mark that they should crowdfund the movie to finance it.

The three of them agreed and made a pact. Leaving self-doubt behind, ignoring the nay-sayers, and looking beyond the chasms to the other side, Gerald, Brendan, and Mark are taking control of their journey to bring you Spiritually Positive, Uplifting Entertainment — the kind you can share with your grandparents and your children without worrying about the content not being suitable or questionable, and that is not short on entertaining action, drama, and thrills.

Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.

— T.S. Eliot

We know, It Is About Time.

Finding the courage to leap into such a massive undertaking was not an easy choice. Like many independent filmmakers, we were stuck in the waiting game. But not anymore. We are stepping up to take that risk and make full-length Faith-based Action Thriller film on our own terms. We know, IT IS ABOUT TIME.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.

— Mark Twain